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Reference information for


Package v1alpha1 contains API Schema definitions for the options v1alpha1 API group

Resource Types


KeptnConfig is the Schema for the keptnconfigs API

Appears in: - KeptnConfigList

Field Description Default Optional Validation
apiVersion string
kind string KeptnConfig
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation about metadata.
spec KeptnConfigSpec
status string unused field


KeptnConfigList contains a list of KeptnConfig

Field Description Default Optional Validation
apiVersion string
kind string KeptnConfigList
metadata ListMeta
items KeptnConfig array x


KeptnConfigSpec defines the desired state of KeptnConfig

Appears in: - KeptnConfig

Field Description Default Optional Validation
OTelCollectorUrl string OTelCollectorUrl can be used to set the Open Telemetry collector that the lifecycle operator should use
keptnAppCreationRequestTimeoutSeconds integer KeptnAppCreationRequestTimeoutSeconds is used to set the interval in which automatic app discovery
searches for workload to put into the same auto-generated KeptnApp
cloudEventsEndpoint string CloudEventsEndpoint can be used to set the endpoint where Cloud Events should be posted by the lifecycle operator
blockDeployment boolean BlockDeployment is used to block the deployment of the application until the pre-deployment
tasks and evaluations succeed
observabilityTimeout Duration ObservabilityTimeout specifies the maximum time to observe the deployment phase of KeptnWorkload.
If the workload does not deploy successfully within this time frame, it will be
considered as failed.
5m Pattern: ^0|([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?(ns|us|µs|ms|s|m|h))+$
Type: string