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Coding the docs

Keptn documentation is written using the Markdown language, with each page written in a separate file. The following documents document the language:

  • Markdown Guide discusses Markdown structure and background.
  • Basic Syntax summarizes the standard Markdown syntax that is supported by almost all Markdown variants.
  • Markdown Cheat Sheet is a handy reference for the most commonly used Markdown elements.

Markdown supports many variants and the build tools we use impose a few special requirements that are discussed here.

Front matter requirements

The top of each documentation source file should look like:

comments: true

# Coding the docs

Beginning of information about the topic.

The elements are:

  • The comments block. This allows readers to post comments to the published page. More configuration can be put here depending on the requirements for the page.

  • A level 1 header (# title) with the title of the page as it is displayed in the main canvas of the docs.. This must be preceded and followed by a single blank line.

    The title displayed in the left sidebar is determined by the title in the mkdocs.yml file. Be sure that these two titles match.

  • Text that introduces the information for the page. Do not use stacked headers, with a level 2 header (## title) immediately following the level 1 header.


To comment a line in the documentation, you can use standard HTML comments. Prepend the <!-- string at the beginning of the line, and end the line with --> as in:

<!-- This is a comment -->

Displaying sample files

Most Keptn configuration is implemented as YAML files that define a resource so displaying an example file is very useful. However, the file content should not be put directly into your doc source. Instead, the sample file is put into an assets directory and then "included" in your file. This keeps the documentation source cleaner and enables us to run tests to ensure that the YAML file is valid as Keptn evolves.

To implement this:

  1. Either identify the file you want to include in the assets directory next to your documentation file or create your sample YAML file in that tree, giving it an appropriate name, including the .yaml suffix.

  2. Use the include <file-path> shortcode to include this file in your documentation source inside a code block. For example:

    {% /* include "../../assets/crd/python-libs.yaml" %}

Indentation of nested lists and code blocks

Paragraphs and code blocks that are nested under a list item must be indented two spaces from the text of the list item. If they are not, the indented material is rendered as flush-left and ordered lists do not increment the list item number correctly.

For example, the formatting of the bullet list in the preceding section is:

* This is the first list item.
  With a second sentence in the same paragraph.

* This is the second list item.

    With a second paragraph that is still part of the
    same list item.

* This is the third list item.

Code blocks must be indented in the same way.

Use the standard Markdown conventions for links:


The syntax of the target-link is different for external links and internal documentation cross-references.

We recommend putting the link code on a separate line in the source code. The markdownlint tool limits the number of characters on a line. Links are exempt from this check but markdownlint fails the line if it includes text before or after the link. This is not absolutely necessary if the link target is short but this convention prevents problems.

Links to and from the documentation set from outside the NAV path defined in the mkdocs.yml file use the full URL as displayed in the browser address bar for the page for the target-link.

This syntax is used for:

  • Links from a documentation page to an external page
  • Links to files in the same repository as the documentation source but outside the documentation NAV path
  • Links from files in the same repository as the documentation source but outside the documentation NAV path, such as and files

    Links using a relative path to files outside the NAV path resolve correctly but the targeted documentation page does not include the contents block in the left frame.

An example of the coding for an external link is:

The Kubernetes

Internal cross references in the documentation set

Internal cross-references between pages in the documentation set (which is the documentation NAV path as defined in the mkdocs.yml file) use a target-link that is a modified version of the URL displayed for the page in the rendered documentation.

We suggest that you copy/paste the portion of the URL that follows docs/docs as the base for your target-link. You must then make the following modifications:

  • Specify the path name of the targeted file relative to docs/docs directory using the shell convention where ../ represents the parent directory
  • Add the .md suffix to the file name
  • Remove the trailing / from the string
  • When referencing a sub-section of a page, remove the / character between the page tag and the # character that tags the referenced subsection.
  • When referencing a section of the docs, add the filename to the path

Some examples may clarify this.

Cross reference a file in another directory

The full URL for the Analysis CRD reference page is:

To cross-reference this page from any page in the docs/guide directory (or other pages at that level), the code is:

See the
CRD reference page.

To form this cross-reference::

  • Copy/paste the part of the URL after docs as a base
  • Insert ../ to go up one directory from guides to docs, before the path that goes down the reference/crd-reference path to identify the file
  • Add the .md suffix to Analysis to form the actual source file name.
  • Remove the trailing / of the URL

Cross-reference a sub-section of another page

To get a link to the Examples subsection of the Analysis reference page, view the page in your browser and select Examples from the contents listing in the right frame. This gives you the following URL:

To link to that sub-section, the code is:


You see that the / in the URL before #examples has been removed.

Cross-reference another file in the same directory

Another CRD reference page (which is in the same directory) can reference the Analysis reference page like this:


Cross-reference another section

The URL of the Installation section is:

To cross-reference this section from a file in the guides section (or other file at that level), use the relative file to the directory and specify the file for the section:

Follow the instructions in the
