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Restrict monitored namespaces

This page discusses how to restrict the namespaces where the Keptn lifecycle-operator orchestrates the deployments.

For information about how to allocate Keptn resources across namespaces, see Namespaces and resources.

Default behavior

Keptn must be installed on its own namespace that does not run any other components, especially any application deployment.

By default, Keptn lifecycle orchestration is enabled for all namespaces except the followings:

  • kube-system
  • kube-public
  • kube-node-lease
  • cert-manager
  • keptn-system (Keptn installation namespace)
  • observability
  • monitoring

Custom namespace restriction

If you want to restrict Keptn to only some namespaces, you should:

  • Allow those namespaces during installation
  • Annotate those namespaces

To implement this:

  1. Create a values.yaml file that lists the namespaces Keptn lifecycle orchestration should monitor:

      - allowed-ns-1
      - allowed-ns-2
  2. Add the values file to the helm installation command:

    helm repo add keptn
    helm repo update
    helm upgrade --install keptn keptn/keptn -n keptn-system \
         --values values.yaml --create-namespace --wait
  3. Annotate the namespaces where Keptn lifecycle orchestration is allowed by issuing the following command for each namespace:

    kubectl annotate ns <your-allowed-namespace> \

Note Restricted allowed namespaces are configured at installation time. To add or remove Keptn allowed namespaces, you must modify the list of namespaces in your values.yaml file and rerun the helm upgrade command.
