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Keptn Metrics

The Keptn Metrics Operator provides a single entry point to all metrics in the cluster and allows you to define metrics based on multiple data platforms and multiple instances of any data platform. Metrics are fetched independently and can be used for an evaluation at workload- and application-level, or for scaling your workloads.

This data can be displayed on Grafana or another standard dashboard application that you configure or can be retrieved using standard Kubernetes commands.

For an introduction to Keptn metrics, see Getting started with Keptn metrics.

Keptn metric basics

Keptn metrics are implemented with two resources:

As soon as you define and apply your KeptnMetricsProvider and KeptnMetric resources, Keptn begins collecting the metrics you defined. You do not need to do anything else.

Define KeptnMetricsProvider resources

You must define a KeptnMetricsProvider resource for each instance of each data provider you are using.

Note the following:

  • Each KeptnMetricsProvider resource is bound to a specific namespace.
  • Each KeptnMetric resource must be located in the same namespace as the associated KeptnMetricsProvider resource.
  • KeptnEvaluationDefinition resources can reference metrics from any namespace in the cluster.
  • To define metrics that can be used in evaluations on all namespaces in the cluster, create KeptnMetricsProvider and KeptnMetric resources in a centralized namespace such as keptn-system.

For our example, we define two observability platforms:

  • dev-prometheus
  • dev-dynatrace

You can specify a virtually unlimited number of providers, including multiple instances of each observability platform. Each one must be assigned a unique name, identified by the type of platform it is and the URL of the target server. If the target server is protected by a Secret, provide information about the token and key.

The keptn-metrics-provider.yaml file for our example looks like:

kind: KeptnMetricsProvider
  name: dev-prometheus
  namespace: podtato-kubectl
  type: prometheus
  targetServer: "<prometheus-url>"
    name: prometheus-secret
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: prometheus-secret
  password: password
  user: user
type: Opaque
kind: KeptnMetricsProvider
  name: dev-dynatrace
  namespace: podtato-kubectl
  type: dynatrace | dql
  targetServer: "<dynatrace-tenant-url>"
    name: dt-api-token
    key: myCustomTokenKey
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: dt-api-token
  myCustomTokenKey: my-token
type: Opaque

Define KeptnMetric information

The KeptnMetric resource defines the information you want to gather, specified as a query for the particular observability platform you are using. You can define any type of metric from any data source.

In our example, we define two bits of information to retrieve:

  • Number of CPUs, fetched from the dev-prometheus data platform
  • availability SLO, fetched from the dev-dynatrace data platform

Each of these are configured to fetch data every 10 seconds but you could configure a different fetchIntervalSeconds value for each metric.

The keptn-metric.yaml file for our example looks like:

kind: KeptnMetric
  name: available-cpus
  namespace: simplenode-dev
    name: dev-prometheus
  query: "sum(kube_node_status_capacity{resources`cpu`})"
  fetchIntervalSeconds: 10
kind: KeptnMetric
  name: availability-slo
  namespace: simplenode-dev
    name: dev-dynatrace
  query: "func:slo.availability_simplenodeservice"
  fetchIntervalSeconds: 10

Note the following:

  • Each metric should have a unique name.
  • The value of the field must correspond to the name assigned in the field of a KeptnMetricsProvider resource.
  • Information is fetched in on a continuous basis at a rate specified by the value of the spec.fetchIntervalSeconds field.

Observing the metrics

Accessing Metrics via the Kubernetes Custom Metrics API

KeptnMetrics can be retrieved using the kubectl command and the KeptnMetric API. This section shows how to do that.

Metrics can also be displayed on a Grafana or other dashboard or they can be exposed as OpenTelemetry metrics; see Access Keptn metrics as OpenTelemetry metrics for instructions.

Retrieve KeptnMetric values with kubectl and the KeptnMetric API

Use the kubectl get --raw command to retrieve the values of a KeptnMetric resource, as in the following example:

$ kubectl get --raw "/apis/" | jq .

  "kind": "MetricValueList",
  "apiVersion": "",
  "metadata": {},
  "items": [
      "describedObject": {
        "kind": "KeptnMetric",
        "namespace": "podtato-kubectl",
        "name": "keptnmetric-sample",
        "apiVersion": ""
      "metric": {
        "name": "keptnmetric-sample",
        "selector": {
          "matchLabels": {
            "app": "frontend"
      "timestamp": "2023-01-25T09:26:15Z",
      "value": "10"

Filter on matching labels

You can filter based on matching labels. For example, to retrieve all metrics that are labelled with app=frontend, use the following command:

$ kubectl get --raw "/apis/*/*?labelSelector=app%3Dfrontend" | jq .

  "kind": "MetricValueList",
  "apiVersion": "",
  "metadata": {},
  "items": [
      "describedObject": {
        "kind": "KeptnMetric",
        "namespace": "keptn-system",
        "name": "keptnmetric-sample",
        "apiVersion": ""
      "metric": {
        "name": "keptnmetric-sample",
        "selector": {
          "matchLabels": {
            "app": "frontend"
      "timestamp": "2023-01-25T09:26:15Z",
      "value": "10"

Query Metrics over a Timerange

You can query metrics over a specified timeframe. For example, if you set the range.interval field in the KeptnMetric resource to be 3m, the Keptn Metrics Operator queries the metrics for the last 3 minutes. In other words, the span is from = currentTime - range.interval and to = currentTime.

The default value is set to be 5m if the range.interval is not set.

kind: KeptnMetric
  name: good-metric
    name: my-provider
  query: "sum(kube_pod_container_resource_limits{resource='cpu'})"
  fetchIntervalSeconds: 10
    interval: "3m"
