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Add a metrics provider

The KeptnMetric feature works with almost any data platform but Keptn requires that a metrics provider be defined for any data platform it uses as a data source. This guide gives instructions for creating a new metrics provider. For these instructions, we define a sample provider called placeholder. The steps to create your own metrics provider are:

  1. Fork and clone the Keptn repository. For more information, see Fork and clone the repository.

  2. Define the Provider Type: In the metrics-operator/controllers/common/providers/common.go file, define the constant KeptnPlaceholderProviderType. In our example we use "placeholder".

    const KeptnPlaceholderProviderType = "placeholder"
  3. Implement the Provider: Create a new folder inside the metrics-operator/controllers/common/providers. Use the provider name as the name of the folder. This name defines the string used to identify this provider in the spec.type field of the KeptnMetricsProvider resource. In this example, the folder is named placeholder. Create a new Go package for the placeholder provider in that folder. This package should contain a struct that implements the KeptnSLIProvider interface. To fully implement the KeptnSLIProvider interface, it's necessary to implement the following functions.

    • EvaluateQuery(Fetches metric values from the provider)
      • This function fetches metric values based on the provided metric query from the provider. It evaluates the query and returns the metric values along with any additional data if required.
      • It takes as input a KeptnMetric and KeptnMetricsProvider
    • EvaluateQueryForStep(Fetches metric values with step interval from the provider)
      • This function fetches metric values with a specified step interval from the placeholder provider. It takes into account the metric query and the step interval provided, executes the query, and returns the metric values along with any additional data if required.
      • It takes as input a KeptnMetric and KeptnMetricsProvider
    • FetchAnalysisValue(Fetches analysis values from the provider) functions.
      • This function fetches analysis values based on the provided query and time range from the provider. It evaluates the query within the specified time range and returns the analysis values along with any additional data if required.
      • It takes as input an Analysis, resource that contains a query and a KeptnMetricsProvider resource.

    You can follow other existing implementations, such as prometheus.go, as an example.

    Each of the three functions expects a string containing a float value in it. But for example purposes we returned some of the data accessible in the function.

    Below is an example of a placeholder provider implementation.

    package placeholder
    import (
      metricsapi ""
    type KeptnPlaceholderProvider struct {
      Log        logr.Logger
      HttpClient http.Client
    func (d *KeptnPlaceholderProvider) FetchAnalysisValue(ctx context.Context, query string, analysis metricsapi.Analysis, provider *metricsapi.KeptnMetricsProvider) (string, error) {
      return fmt.Sprintf("placeholder provider FetchAnalysisValue was called with query %s from %d to %d", query, analysis.GetFrom().Unix(), analysis.GetTo().Unix()), nil
    func (d *KeptnPlaceholderProvider) EvaluateQuery(ctx context.Context, metric metricsapi.KeptnMetric, provider metricsapi.KeptnMetricsProvider) (string, []byte, error) {
      return fmt.Sprintf("placeholder provider EvaluateQuery was called with query %s", metric.Spec.Query), nil, nil
    func (d *KeptnPlaceholderProvider) EvaluateQueryForStep(ctx context.Context, metric metricsapi.KeptnMetric, provider metricsapi.KeptnMetricsProvider) ([]string, []byte, error) {
      fromTime, toTime, stepInterval, err := getTimeRangeForStep(metric)
      if err != nil {
          return nil, nil, err
      result := fmt.Sprintf("placeholder provider EvaluateQueryForStep was called with query %s from %d to %d at an interval %d", metric.Spec.Query, fromTime, toTime, stepInterval)
      return []string{result}, nil, nil
    func getTimeRangeForStep(metric metricsapi.KeptnMetric) (int64, int64, int64, error) {
      intervalDuration, err := time.ParseDuration(metric.Spec.Range.Interval)
      if err != nil {
          return 0, 0, 0, err
      stepDuration, err := time.ParseDuration(metric.Spec.Range.Step)
      if err != nil {
          return 0, 0, 0, err
      return time.Now().Add(-intervalDuration).Unix(), time.Now().Unix(), stepDuration.Milliseconds(), nil

    Note Refer to the documentation of the KeptnMetric and Analysis resources to understand what data should be retrieved from the methods inputs to compute accurate results.

  4. Instantiate the Provider in the providers.NewProvider function in the metrics-operator/controllers/common/providers/provider.go file. add a case for the KeptnPlaceholderProviderType. Instantiate the placeholder provider struct and return it.

    // Inside the providers package
    // NewProvider function
    func NewProvider(providerType string, log logr.Logger, k8sClient client.Client) (KeptnSLIProvider, error) {
        switch strings.ToLower(providerType) {
        case KeptnPlaceholderProviderType:
            return &placeholder.KeptnPlaceholderProvider{
                Log:        log,
                HttpClient: http.Client{},
            }, nil
            // Other cases...
  5. Update the validation webhook and crd config: To update the validation webhook and crd config of the metrics operator. Add the provider name next to last providers on this line to look like this

    // +kubebuilder:validation:Pattern:=cortex|datadog|dql|dynatrace|prometheus|thanos|placeholder.

    In the metric-operator directory run make generate manifests to update the metrics-operator crd config Then modify the helm chart and the helm chart crd validation to match the update in the metrics-operator crd config

  6. Add Test Cases:

    • Write a unit test to validate your implementation at the function level. Unit tests ensure that individual functions behave as expected and meet their functional requirements.

    • Include a Chainsaw test to validate the behavior of Kubernetes resources managed by your code. Chainsaw tests simulate real-world scenarios and interactions within a Kubernetes cluster, ensuring the correctness of your Kubernetes configurations and deployments.

      Below are the steps for adding an integration test.

      • In the directory test/chainsaw/testmetrics, create a folder metrics-provider-placeholder in our case.
      • Within the keptn-metrics-placeholder folder, create YAML file 00-install.yaml.
      • 00-install.yaml contains a sample configuration that installs a valid KeptnMetricsProvider in our case placeholder and it also defines a sample KeptnMetric configuration representing a valid use case, while.
      • Create a file named chainsaw-test.yaml and define the steps for the integration test in chainsaw-test.yaml.

      For more information checkout an already existing integration test
