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Mutating Webhook

Keptn uses Admission Webhooks to mutate resources. To enable the webhook (and therefore Keptn Lifecycle Management) for a certain namespace, the namespace must be annotated:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: podtato-kubectl
  annotations: "enabled"  # this line tells the webhook to handle the namespace

The mutating webhook only modifies specifically annotated resources in the annotated namespace. When the webhook receives a request for a new pod, it first either replaces the scheduler with the Keptn Scheduler, or adds the Scheduling Gate.

In the next step it looks for the workload annotations: "some-workload-name" "some-workload-version"

If the annotation is missing, the webhook computes a version string, using a hash function that takes certain properties of the pod as parameters (e.g. the images of its containers). Next, it looks for an existing instance of a KeptnWorkload for the specified workload name:

  • If it finds the KeptnWorkload, it updates its version according to the previously computed version string. In addition, it includes a reference to the ReplicaSet UID of the pod (i.e. the Pods owner).
  • If it does not find a workload instance, it creates one containing the previously computed version string.

Afterwards the webhook looks for the application annotation: "your-app-name"

The webhook searches for the KeptnAppCreationRequest resource with the name stored in the annotations. If it doesn't find it, it creates it and the automatic creation of the KeptnApp is afterwards handled by the KeptnAppCreationRequest Controller.

The annotation is not mandatory for single-service applications. If you have a multi-service application, you must add it to all workloads to define which workloads belong to the application.

The Pod can also contain information about the definition of pre or post-deployment tasks or evaluations for each workload. These are specified via these annotations:

  • task1,task2
  • task1,task2

and for the Evaluations:

  • my-evaluation-definition
  • my-eval-definition

The lists of tasks or evaluations are parsed and stored in the KeptnWorkload resource created in the previous steps.
