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Contributing to Keptn

Keptn software and documentation is developed and maintained by the Keptn community. We invite you to join us. This guide provides instructions and guidelines for contributing software, documentation, and tests to Keptn.

Keptn software, documentation, and tests are stored in the same Keptn GitHub repository. We use similar processes for all contributions.

This guide provides useful information about how to contribute to the Keptn project. It is divided into three sections:

  • General includes information that is relevant to all contributions, including information you should know about the technologies used, instructions for creating a PR that contains your contribution by either forking and cloning the repo and creating contributions locally or working in Github Codespaces, and guidelines that apply to all contributions.

  • Software contributions includes information about how to set up an environment for developing and testing Keptn software as well as specific instructions for creating a new Keptn metrics provider.

  • Documentation contributions gives additional guidelines that apply only to documentation contributions and describes the documentation file structure and the documentation tools we use.
