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Migrating KeptnApp to KeptnAppContext

The KeptnAppContext resource was introduced in the v1beta1 API version. Existing KeptnApp resources that were generated manually must be migrated because of this new feature. This page gives instructions for doing that. Versions v1beta1 and v1 are fully compatible.

Note Manual migration is only required for:

  • KeptnApp resources with older versions than v1beta1
  • Manually created KeptnApp resources
  • Automatically created KeptnApp resources with manually edited pre/post-deployment tasks or evaluations**

KeptnApp resources created using the automatic app-discovery feature without any manual changes in the pre/post-deployment tasks/evaluations section do not require any action.

Migration steps

You need the following steps to migrate an existing KeptnApp resource to work with the KeptnAppContext resource introduced in the v1beta1 API version:

  1. Create a KeptnAppContext custom resource that has the same name as your KeptnApp.
  2. Move the lists of pre/post-deployment tasks and evaluations from KeptnApp to KeptnAppContext. In other words, delete them from KeptnApp.spec and add them under the KeptnAppContext.spec field.
  3. Add the keptn annotation to the KeptnApp resource if it is not already there.

You can migrate your KeptnApp manually or, if you have go installed on your machine, use the script provided here.

    go run convert_app.go path_to_keptnapp_to_convert path_to_desired_output_file

For instance, to run the example file conversion, the command is:

    go run convert_app.go example_keptnapp.yaml example_output.yaml

Note Be sure that all of your application resources (such as Pods, Deployments, StatefulSets, and DaemonSets have the proper annotations/labels set. These annotations/labels (especially the or are necessary for the migration to the automatic app-discovery feature. More information about how to set up these annotations/labels can be found here.

Example of migration

Here, we provide an example of how to migrate the KeptnApp definition to the KeptnAppContext. Let's say we have the following KeptnApp in our cluster:

kind: KeptnApp
  name: "some-keptn-app"
  namespace: "my-app-ns"
  version: "1.2.3"
    - name: podtato-head-left-arm
      version: 0.2.7
    - pre-deployment-task
    - pre-deployment-evaluation
    - post-deployment-task
    - post-deployment-evaluation

After applying the migration steps from the previous subsection, you see the following changes:

  • The annotation has been added to the metadata.labels section of the revised KeptnApp resource.

    If your original KeptnApp resource was auto-generated, it already had this annotation.

  • The list of tasks and evaluations has been moved from the KeptnApp resource to the KeptnAppContext resource.

kind: KeptnApp
  name: "some-keptn-app"
  namespace: "my-app-ns"
  labels: keptn # added annotation
  version: "1.2.3"
    - name: podtato-head-left-arm
      version: 0.2.7
# removed pre/post-deployment tasks and evaluations
kind: KeptnAppContext
  name: "some-keptn-app" # created a resource with the same name as KeptnApp
  namespace: "my-app-ns"
  preDeploymentTasks:    # moved pre/post-deployment tasks and evaluations
    - pre-deployment-task
    - pre-deployment-evaluation
    - post-deployment-task
    - post-deployment-evaluation

These modified resources can be now applied to your cluster.

What's next?

Making these modifications does not alter the behavior of Keptn. However, you might want to enhance your traces, tasks, and evaluations with the new functionality that is available:

  • Add context metadata to your traces. This allows you to include information like the stage into which the application is deployed, a commit ID, or other information relevant to the deployment traces of the application and its workloads. For instructions, see Metadata.
  • Add KEPTN_CONTEXT information to the function code in your KeptnTaskDefinition resource. This allows you to correlate a task to a specific application/workload, provide information about the phase in which the task is executed, and access any metadata that has been attached to the application/workload such as commit ID or user name. For instructions, see Context.