Keptn v1 reached EOL December 22, 2023. For more information see

Quick Start

Familiarize yourself with Keptn without installation

This Quick Start presents the Keptn End-to-End Delivery exercise which uses Killercoda to quickly introduce you to Keptn without requiring you to have a Kubernetes cluster or install Keptn. In less than an hour, you will learn about the main features of Keptn and how to implement them.

Note: The killercoda session expires after an hour or if it is idle for five minutes or longer so you should plan to sit down and do the exercise without interruptions.

Next steps

If you like what you saw in the exercise, you can:

  • Install a Keptn cluster for yourself, following the instructions in Installation. Scroll down past the “cards” on the landing page for a quick list of steps to take, with links to pages that have more details.

  • Create your own project

  • Join the Keptn community

    • Join the Keptn slack channel for any questions that may arise. Use the #help channel to ask questions and get help from the Keptn team.
    • Join the Keptn Community meetings to learn what is going on with Keptn and to discuss anything you like.