Keptn v1 reached EOL December 22, 2023. For more information see


In this section, instructions have been summarized that help to troubleshoot known issues that may occur when using Keptn.

Generating a support archive

Use the keptn generate support-archive command to generate a support archive that can be used as a data source for debugging a Keptn installation. Note that you must install the Keptn CLI before you can run this command.

Troubleshooting details

See the following pages for specific troubleshooting hints:

Broken Keptn project

When creating a project failed, this can cause a problematic state that manifests in a situation that the Keptn Bridge does not show any project.

Situation: Executing keptn create project failed with following error message:

Starting to create project   
ID of Keptn context: 9d1a30cd-e00b-4354-a308-03e50368bc40  
Creating project sockshop failed. Could not commit changes.

Problem: The Keptn Bridge does not show any project even though other projects were already displayed.


  • Try to execute the command keptn delete project:

  • If the command did not work, manually delete the faulty project in the configuration-service pod.

    1. Connect to the pod of configuration-service:
    kubectl -n keptn exec -it svc/configuration-service sh`
    1. In the pod, go to: /data/config/

    2. Delete the directory with the name of the faulty project:

    rm -rf projectXYZ 

Error: UPGRADE FAILED: timed out waiting for the condition

This error often appears when executing keptn send trigger delivery in case of insufficient CPU and/or memory on the Kubernetes cluster.


The Helm upgrade runs into a time-out when deploying a new artifact of your service using

keptn trigger delivery


In this case, Helm creates a new Kubernetes Deployment with the new artifact, but Kubernetes fails to start the pod. Unfortunately, there is no way to catch this error by Helm (right now). A good way to detect the error is to look at the Kubernetes events captured by the cluster:

kubectl -n sockshop-dev get events  --sort-by='.metadata.creationTimestamp'

where sockshop-dev is the project and stage that you are trying to deploy to.

Note: This error can also occur at a later stage (e.g., when using blue-green deployments).


Increase the number of vCPUs and/or memory, or add another Kubernetes worker node.

Helm upgrade runs into a time-out on EKS

Same as the error above, but this issue occurs sometimes using a single worker node on EKS.


Increase the number of worker nodes. For example, you can therefore use the eksctl CLI:

Deployment failed: no matches for kind “DestinationRule” in version “”

This error can appear after triggering a delivery (e.g., keptn trigger delivery --project=sockshop --service=carts-db ...):

Error when installing/upgrading chart sockshop-dev-carts-db-generated in namespace sockshop-dev: 
unable to build kubernetes objects from release manifest: [unable to recognize "": no matches for kind "DestinationRule" in version "", unable to recognize "": no matches for kind "VirtualService" in version ""]


helm-service triggers a helm upgrade when deploying a new artifact of the respective service. However, the upgrade fails with the aforementioned error message displayed in Keptn Bridge.


In this case, Helm applies the Kubernetes manifests shipped with the new artifact on the Kubernetes cluster, but Kubernetes fails to find the resources "DestinationRule" and "VirtualService" which are part of Istio. Most likely Istio is not installed on your Kubernetes cluster.


Install Istio as described in the Install and configure Istio section.

NGINX troubleshooting

If a CLI command like, e.g., keptn add resource fails with the following error message:

$ keptn add-resource --project=sockshop --service=carts --stage=production --resource=remediation.yaml

Adding resource remediation.yaml to service carts in stage production in project sockshop
Error: Resource remediation.yaml could not be uploaded: invalid character '<' looking for beginning of value
<head><title>502 Bad Gateway</title><script type="text/javascript" src="/ruxitagentjs_ICA2SVfqru_10191200423105232.js" data-dtconfig="rid=RID_470209891|rpid=-713832838|domain=api.keptn|reportUrl=/rb_bf35021xvs|app=ea7c4b59f27d43eb|featureHash=ICA2SVfqru|rdnt=1|uxrgce=1|bp=2|cuc=k1g1l44n|srms=1,1,,,|uxrgcm=100,25,300,3;100,25,300,3|dpvc=1|bismepl=2000|lastModification=1587774023960|dtVersion=10191200423105232|tp=500,50,0,1|uxdcw=1500|agentUri=/ruxitagentjs_ICA2SVfqru_10191200423105232.js"></script></head>
<center><h1>502 Bad Gateway</h1></center>

You can resolve this problem by restarting the Nginx ingress with the following command:

$ kubectl -n keptn delete pod -l run=api-gateway-nginx

pod "api-gateway-nginx-cc948646d-zwrb4" deleted

After some seconds, the Nginx ingress pod should be up and running again. You can verify this by executing:

$ kubectl get pods -n keptn -l run=api-gateway-nginx

NAME                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
api-gateway-nginx-cc948646d-h6bdb   1/1     Running   0          13m

At this point, the CLI commands should work again:

$ keptn add-resource --project=sockshop --service=carts --stage=production --resource=remediation.yaml

Adding resource remediation.yaml to service carts in stage production in project sockshop
Resource has been uploaded.

Keptn on Minikube causes a MongoDB issue after a reboot

When rebooting the machine on which Minikube is installed, the MongoDB pod in the keptn namespace runs in a CrashLoopBackoff.

Note: Minikube is a Kubernetes distribution for development environments. Please go with K3s/K3d for a more stable setup.


  • To verify the problem, investigate the logs of the mongodb pod:
kubectl logs -n keptn mongodb-578b4d8bcd-dhgb8
=> sourcing /usr/share/container-scripts/mongodb/pre-init// ...
=> sourcing /usr/share/container-scripts/mongodb/pre-init// ...
=> sourcing /usr/share/container-scripts/mongodb/pre-init// ...
=> sourcing /usr/share/container-scripts/mongodb/pre-init// ...
ERROR: Couldn't write into /var/lib/mongodb/data
CAUSE: current user doesn't have permissions for writing to /var/lib/mongodb/data directory
DETAILS: current user id = 184, user groups: 184 0
stat: failed to get security context of '/var/lib/mongodb/data': No data available
DETAILS: directory permissions: drwxr-xr-x owned by 0:0, SELinux: ?


The problem is a permission issue on the /var/lib/mongodb/data folder. See kubernetes/minikube#1184 and Minikube ’none’ driver: which lay out complexity for persistence.


A workaround for this issue is to add an initContainer to the mongodb deployment as shown below. This container will be executed before the actual mongodb container and sets the right permissions on the /var/lib/mongodb/data folder.

- name: volume-mount-hack
    image: busybox
    command: ["sh", "-c", "chown -R 184:184 /var/lib/mongodb/data"]
    - name: mongodata
      mountPath: /var/lib/mongodb/data